Need to Shred
Need to Shred
Powder Coated Steel
Six figures, 97' x 6'
Rockville Skate Park
355 Martins Ln
Rockville, MD 20850
Commissioning Partners:
City of Rockville Arts Programs
Completed in September 2022, "Need to Shred" represents the athleticism and illusiveness of skateboarding.
Upon first glance, these figures seem like clouds in the sky. Over time and after observation from varying vantage points, the secret is revealed.
The sculptures function to add color and interest to the existing fence structure. They announce the function of the space as well.
Thanks to Betty Wisda, Andrew Lett, and local skate legend Jonathan "Shreddie Mercury" Marino. Also a huge shout out to our consultant, editor of Tidal Magazine Evan Haga.